Friday, September 9, 2005

i want to be the girl with the most cake

you guys! i'm so sorry i've been away for so long but moving into your first house can be a total bitch, but also pretty effing awesome. i'm sitting in my hearth room sipping coffee, listening to fred 44 and the construction on s/l 96 while donny drives back and forth in his blue truck. i have the slider open and seriously, there's just way too much back sun when your house faces west. i can't even tell you. i do have the greatest next door neighbor in the entire world. his name is bryan and he unloaded my u-haul truck with his buddy when we pulled up. it took them 20 minutes to unload the stuff it took us almost 3 hours to load. so now i'm waiting for the water meter guy and 2 lawn specialists to come tell me how much money i can give them so i figured i would stop in and drop off a little blog. here are a few of the things i've been doing with myself since i moved in last friday.

  • packing up thousands of boxes and moving them
  • watching my family painfully load my furniture onto the u-haul
  • watching bryan and ed, poetry in motion on a friday night at 10:30pm
  • running around like a crazy hor for groceries for bella's christening
  • rushing to the airport to pick up the california relatives, which my parents could've TOTALLY done without me and my car right in the middle of my life change
  • arranging cheese and crackers
  • cutting up celery and rinsing carrots
  • reconfirming that church is a total load of crap and a great excuse for people to act like a-holes so they can go to church on sunday and feel better about how they didn't act right all week
  • watching my extended family run rampant through my sister's house, eating all her food
  • hanging with sarah, john, diane, and sharda in my kitchen on sunday night, watching the xm radio display and fist pumping a lot. you guys are really great. thanx for breaking up the crazy on opening night.
  • watching encore's big 80s movie weekend at 1am in my new house.
  • watching planes from my 6 big windows with all the lights off at 2am
  • using every last shred of my sanity to spend all of labor day shopping with my aunt, her husband, my parents, and my cousins. i did get 4 white distressed chairs and a headboard though, but i lost it on my mom at chipotle. it was entirely jerry's doing. he pushed the very last button i had.
  • babysitting bella for 12 hours on wednesday and pretty much deciding that i might not have kids. don't get me wrong, she rules. i'm guess i'm just not ready for them.
  • strategizing about how i might need to move to chicago to get away from my family
  • missing the dog and trees
  • spending the day at some very interesting, educational places on tuesday and thursday
  • dreading 2006 because i know i'm going to shake it all up. i won't be able to help myself.
so there you have it. a brief, somewhat vague summary of my week off, which i will definitely be needing a week off to rest from. it was the most amazing, worst week off i've ever had.

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