Sunday, May 22, 2005

there's nothing more memorable than strength

me being online for work at this hour is why i'm so happy with my professional life.

this post's title hits me where i live. for some reason, i feel that me being really strong about 'things' in life gives me some shred of satisfaction, yet i think it's actually more self-defeating than anything else but i'm not convinced that i could ever let it go, the strength that is. what would i have without it and would i still be me? i don't think so but this could be a good thing. if independence and freedom are tied to strength, i might literally dissolve from being stripped of everything i am. hmmm. i don't want to shed the strength. i like me.

i hate when you try to surf through the blogs with 'next blog' and people have crazy techno-transitions and activex shatt that effs your pc up when it launches. then it loads the page and it's in a language pack that i obviously don't have enabled. thanx for making my surf so easy and fun at 4am.

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