Sunday, June 3, 2007

flapjacks. and tampons.

firstly, i'm going to try something different here at cheesecakepot. i'm going to begin imparting wisdom and truth into your asses, but not in a gross way. i hope to ensure that each post provides my readership with meaningful facts and figures on important matters in life so that you may live yours in a more effective manner.

secondly, tampons changed my life. once i started using them, i discovered that i no longer had to frivolously misemploy my sacred, high school swim class sick days. man, was i burning through those suckers. once the teeps were onboarded, life was smooth sailing and i would never again have to hear ms. patti gatti shout, "danni! get in the pool!". some days you just didn't want your perfect hair to get all jacked up. i know you know. with tampons, i was finally in a position to leverage such predicaments. you may pass this information along as needed.

thirdly, i would like to discuss pancakes. for years i've had strong feelings regarding the extras culinary masters have embedded into these flat yet fluffy blankets of bread-like bread. i've had them with blueberries. i've had them with apples. i've had them with chocolate chips. i've had them with bacon strips. i've had them on a plane and i've had them on a train. i've had them with jam and i've had them with pam; i do not like them sam i am. now for your wisdom and truth; pancakes need to be left in their plain and natural way so that we may enjoy them with assorted syrups and butters of our choosing.

and that is what i have for you today.


  1. I think you should make me pancakes.

  2. You can't tell me that in a gooey, sexy way these don't turn you on a little bit.

    You can make me pancakes in the morning too.

  3. Sunday mornings are all about the french toast.

  4. glad to have you back on the circuit.

    I myself am a french toast girl

  5. Eh. Pancakes. Notsomuch.

    Tampons? They're great with a little maple syrup on them, agree?

    Okay - I had no idea what to write here. Just - um - okay.

  6. I too prefer the french toast. And tampons.

  7. so were you just wearing bloody underpants to swim class before you learned about tampons?

  8. Pancakes and Tampons... never thought I'd see a single post containing both.

    Glad your back Danielle. You were gone so long, I had milk cartons made to help track you down.

  9. pancakes are pretty absorbent, too.

  10. Wow I kept coming back to check but I thought you were gone like shamus. I'm really pissed about that but it makes me feel better you have you back.

    I like to make p-cakes out of that 33 cent jiffy mix. Mmmmm corn-ie

    And I like gentle glides.

  11. i don't remember a better feeling than when i discovered how to PROPERLY wear a tampon. and i mean properly because the first time i just wound up jabbing myself repeatedly in the hooha and then walking funny. did i put the shit in sideways? i think i did. but then i realized the power of the pon and fell in love.
