Thursday, August 14, 2008

jimmy doors and match kooks

hopefully that title gets me into some strange google search results.

how do i get in touch with jimmy kimmel? i think he and i could really do some damage. i don't know what that means. all i know is that i just read his iTunes playlist and i just think we should know each other. let me know if you know how i can get in touch with him. we have the same birthday if it helps. he may want to marry me. i don't know.

also, people need to learn how to use and understand double doors. i was walking into a store yesterday and there was a girl in front of me. as we were about to enter the store, another woman was on her way out through the door on the left. the girl in front of me just stood in front of the door on the right as though it were a brick wall. instead of using door on the right, we stood there and waited for the woman to stop using door on the left. on my way out of the store, i used door on the right just to ensure it worked. it did. i'm putting this little story out there so that one day someone who does not understand how to use double doors maybe reads it and has an epiphany. quit ignoring the other highly efficient door.

is someone allowed to put you on without your permission? if there are any legal types out there, please let me know what course of action i may have.

i can't stop listening to the kooks. it's like the cure and blur and the killers and coldplay and the ramones. sort of.


  1. I fucking HATE when people don't use both doors. Worse, one of my offices has one door locked always, so it trains people to be retrado.

  2. the back door is highly efficient, too. or so i saw in a movie a few times.

    you should put that on your profile.

  3. Ok, I'll admit it, I've got some weird aversion to the double door.

    Like when the other person is coming out I have some sort of irrational fear that if I open the second door it'll hit them or something. WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE i know, but swinging it tword them just weirds me out.

    Maybe I'll up my meds.
    Good food for thought here D.

    OKAY and OMG did someone put YOU on or are you thinking of doing it to somebody else? You HAVE to share more or I'll die.

  4. d-hor THAT IS NOT OK. You must start swinging doors at people to get a good feel for where it's going to go.

    Also, stop getting nervous driving next to concrete dividers on the highway. THEY DON"T MOVE.

  5. d-hor, i read the end of your comment a few days ago and started laughing as i walked through the airport. i hope you didn't die yet. someone wants to put me on there and i will kick their neck if they do because i'm not on the market. you can't do that to anyone whose personal status eludes you. not cool, someone.

    russ, i'm glad you feel such passion here. amen bro.

    jer-man, you're always bringin me back to where i need to be, in terms of the back door. thx much...

  6. OOoooo very not cool someone. I knew you'd come through, that's why I'm still breathing.

    Someone needs to put their self in your shoes for a moment.
