Thursday, August 18, 2005

can you handle the fudge

so thanks to john for posting drunk last night. much appreciated. and thanks to the blizzard fan club for the ever so clever title i used. i mean really. can you handle the fudge.

as for the bathroom fibers post, i'm only a little sorry. if i have to see it, you have to hear about it. you would think that people don't want to do the big stuff at work to begin with, but then to not ensure of its flush? i'm now going to give you an example of something i might bubble letter on this whiteboard in the bathroom at work since more than a few people have inquired on these mystery fibers;

"dear RT, if you insist on having stuffed cabbage for breakfast, please don't. it's effing disgusting when i have to see it after it comes out."

you're all very very gross. sorry, russ. i know you didn't want to know. that should just about do it for the fibers though, so let's move on.

now to offset all the disgustion from above, i'm going to have you chew on a story from my days in the first grade.

i sat next to a boy whose initials were MH and he was really cute (short dark messy hair, 52lbs, giant feet, nice). he would always sit there beside me just sketching things, and very well for a 6yr-old i might add. one day, like all good first graders, we were watching a filmstrip about dinosaurs. but halfway into the filmstrip, i started to feel sick. (don't worry. i did not vomit on anyone in this story.) i went over to mrs. m-co to get her in on my situation and she pretty much just sent me back to my seat since this short film was pretty short (and riveting). i notice MH starting to sketch something across the aisle but i don't think much of it. turns out old MH was paying pretty close attention though because once the filmstrip was over, he slid a little black and white drawing over to my desk that he had made especially for me since i wasn't feeling well. you'll never guess what it was. ok. yep. you guessed it. it was none other than an 18-wheeler truck drawn in first grade safety pencil, complete with shading and my initials all over the one side of the cabin. it made me feel so special that i almost forgot how sick i felt for those few moments before the teacher's aide came to take me to the nurse (where i may or may not have vomitted on stuff).

i love ya MH. hope you're not in some jail somewhere today.

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