Sunday, December 11, 2005

keep your goddamn tongues off active, live, cultured bacteria on aluminum foil

so ok. here you go. jan made me think of this the other day. those guys over at yoplait collect their own yogurt lids for the benefit of breast cancer. it's admirable and i commend them - i really do. it reminds me hedge funds. however, jan for instance, she licks the lid and then sends it to yoplait. um...hello?? hi! how disgusting would my life be if i had to work at yoplait in the lid collection department. holy eff dudes. i would like, have to punch myself in the neck if my job entailed thousands upon millions of licked-up lids it made me throw up in my mouth a little when i came to this conclusion, as i'm sure it's doing to you right this very second.

do it for me, your cheesecakepot. try to either rinse the lid if you're sending it to yoplait, OR, just wrap that shit up in a napkin or whatever and then place it aside and dispose of it inside the yogurt cup when you're finished. or just throw it away at your time of commencement. you owe me. you do.

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