Wednesday, December 21, 2005

man have i been getting tagged a lot

really does a number on the old chole. what? anyway. here are my 5 strange habits.
  • i always dispose of the sourdough nibblers that aren't in 'bloom'. the ones that stayed closed and didn't transform into a nibbler get tossed because they're not as much fun to eat. they taste just as delicious as the bloomers but i refuse to eat them.
  • for as long as i can remember, i only get in and out of bed on the left side. i haven't exited to the right for probably 20 years. i don't know why, but i won't even consider the right side that's adjacent to the bathroom, even in emergencies.
  • i only drink coffee through one of those stirrer-straw thingies, never just regular.
  • i refuse to eat jello and i don't know why.
  • i never touch my face and i won't let anyone else do it either. it's a weird face thing i have that's kinda like mary's brother warren's ear issues in 'something about mary'.

ok, two other thoughts for u bitches. who does john look like in this picture? i kinda think favreau and he thinks mcconaughey. it's from a few years ago when we still sat in the pod at work and liked to play dress-up with the random articles of clothing we found on our floor. and the other thing, i think i want to tag rachel mcadams. yeah. i do.

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