Thursday, February 2, 2006

rest in peace little guy

i saw an upsetting sight on the way to work today and i was traumatized for most of the morning. there was a small beagle puppy lying dead in the space between the on-ramp and the lane you merge into. unfortunately, it was heavy traffic so i was driving pretty slowly as i merged. his little body was lifeless. his eyes were open. there was some blood coming out of his mouth. i was REALLY upset when i realized what i was looking at and i think moreso because there's a little dog in my life who means more to me than i can explain. all of a sudden, the world became much more cruel. i can't believe i saw what i saw. obviously i don't know how it happened, but how the fuck could that have happened. my little dog has never been in a situation where he could end up dead on a highway. i have an extremely low tolerance for animal cruelty. if i can figure out a way to interlock the punishment of this type of asshole into the course of my life, i'll do it. anyone that gets the brunt of my wrath will wish they were dead anyway.

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