Friday, September 7, 2007

stuff and things

now that i'm feeling a little better, i would like to say a few words about max. he was one of the greatest animals that will ever walk the planet and he was my oldest friend. we were pals for 15 years. i'm about to turn 30 so our time together equates to half of my life. after i heard the news, i wasn't sure what to do so i pretty much did nothing. for hours. later that day, i hugged a box of his milkbones for 2 minutes because i still had them in my cabinet next to the cheerios and hugging that box made sense because obviously i could never hug him again. i miss him a lot. it's hard to lose your dog.

so thanks to the friends who left kind sympathy in my comments. for jeremy, i'm still debating whether or not to ban you from commenting here in honor of max. max would've given jeremy a kiss to get him to stop doing something he didn't like. i may ban him from commenting. we will see. i may change my mind and do what max would've done (and be nice, not actually kiss jeremy).

on to other matters. remember this one? well, it's been backfiring. i'm being passively stalked via text message and it's effed up. you see, he's kind of a d-bag. i told the kid i just wanted to be friends after he started being mentally young and an idiot. and also, he's bored/boring and alone in a new town so... you do the math. i generally get a text at the most inopportune of moments and it's generally inappropriate. i think it's because he's a d-bag. i tried to snap a picture of the one i received last night but my camera couldn't capture it in the way we needed for this medium. it's inappropriate and dumb because a) we never did it and b) we never talk. it goes like this (and i quote):

d-bag: wanna have sex later

me: ew. no


  1. anger is a normal and natural emotion of grief, and having someone or something to focus your anger on can often help you get track of your emotions and, hopefully, ease the pain.

    i was just trying to help.

  2. So many affronts...yet you still consider licking their faces (metaphorically speaking of course). Impressive…

  3. I would hope the "ew" would be a turn-off. HOPE is the operative word here.

    I love that you hugged Max's milkbone box. My Micky's been gone for a year and a half and I still can't bear to wash his little bed. I hope it gets better soon.

  4. i'm not going to block jer-man and yeah, d-bag really said that...because he's a d-bag. and, i lick faces all the time. hello.

  5. it all makes sense now, Max licking me and then you telling me how much he hated me. I know deep down that Max loved me, he just didn't want you to know he was gay.
