Sunday, July 1, 2007

heed. pants. now.

so hi there. i've been racking my brain for nuggets of wisdom and coming up dry. part of the problem with the new wisdom and truth platform is that i decided to implement it at a time when i've essentially stopped drinking as well. there's nothing interesting happening around here unless i'm drunk. we can throw that "you have a drinking problem" crap out the window. life's a little more interesting when you're high on alcohol or cigarettes. trust me. well, i mean you know. you see the frequency of posts when i'm dry. what do you think?

my friend tim asked me why i haven't been drinking. like, he said, "why, danielle? why no drinks anymore?" he asked because a) i used to drink a lot and b) i'm still as unhappy as i've ever been with my life. i thought about it for a while and said, "i think i'm not drinking because i'm sad and depressed." he said, "but sad, depressed people drink. a lot. like, it gets dangerous."

so, in light of my friend tim's wisdom, i'm going to be kicking it up a few notches again. i'm going to start drinking more than just a glass of wine or a bud light. i'm going to have a few glasses of wine and a few bud lights (all in the same effort). and, then i'm going to top that off with a menthol light(s) that i will probably purchase from chop's neighbor who rolls them by hand in his garage so as to cheapen the expense of the ones you buy at the store. he can make his own for a $1 a pop. he now spends $600 a year on cigs instead of $3600. i commend you, tall bob. good show.

there's your truth. roll your own cigs. then sell them to me for a $1. also, drink while you smoke. and maybe don't let your kids get their wisdom and truth from here.


  1. u r wize.

    how do you rol your own menthols? do you have to put some fiberglass in there or something?

  2. Aren't menthols just like a bunch of mint leaves? That seems easy to roll. I will try it.

    Yes, come back to the drinking, Danielle.

  3. i drink to cover up the things that are terribly wrong with me. you can blame anything on drinking! i am clumsy. when i fall down, i blame it on alcohol. i am gassy. when i fart, i say 'oops! i am drunk, sorry' and when i steal cars...yeah, well it doesn't work for the stealing cars thing.

    but welcome back.

  4. Drunk Bloggers Unite!

    K that was gay. But for real I don't know many sober bloggers. Or yeah maybe it's just the folks I "hang around with."

    Whatever drink it up. Just don't drive they get WAAAAAAAYYYYY pissed these days about that.

  5. Thanks for clearing this up. I was confused by this supposed “depression”. All this non-drinking and other happy behavior wasn’t sounding depressed. Now that you are drinking again, all the pieces fit :)

    BTW, you’re the one that said “it gets dangerous”…were you drinking then?

  6. huh. i think you're right. i did say that. i'm a drunk. i forget large chunks of time. what can i do.

  7. So it's you drink because you are in pain and you are in pain because you drink?

    Just make yourself happy any way you can...

  8. Nice "So I Married An Axe Murderer" reference.

    My favorite part: "His cranium is huge! It's like an orange on a toothpick!"

    Yeah, I'm ADD, so once I saw the title I couldn't focus on anything else in the post. Sorry.

  9. it's ok. i love that you chose to focus in on that.
