so the epiphany; i make little post-it lists for items i need from the grocery store and also for the super important life things that i'd like to accomplish in life ('open Wine Bar' and 'get married'). as you're well aware, i stick to the little letters when i'm using my words. i got lazy one day and forced myself to just use all lower-casers, which actually turned into a bit of a chore because you have to re-program yourself and constantly correct it at first when using all lower-case letters. it wasn't easy, but i did it. and i did it for yous. my aunt says things like 'yous' and 'those effers. get me another shot of tequila.' she's the greatest american hero when it comes to family around the holidays doing shots of stuff whilst gathered around xmas trees and roaring fires.
i have this excellent new habit of never getting back around to the point. i was just adding something to my grocery list. it was Bailey's. Hess Select Wine is also on the list. what else is on the list you ask? Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur. do you see them? the big letters? i get formal and proper when it comes to my babys' names. if this isn't one of the neatest things you've ever heard in the last minute, you're still welcome to read here but maybe you should consider drinking more.
i can't be sure, but i *think* i'm in love with alcohol. and i do not wish to seek assistance. so if you're ever thinking to stage an intervention on my behalf, you just stop those presses and hold that big fancy red and yellow mickey mouse phone of yours. i'm all set over here with my children. we're just fine. the fact that i take pictures of them is normal and fine. i'm a good parent. i take pictures of my children. of course you agree. thank you.
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